sue arns 
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Verantwortlicher für den Inhalt dieser Webseite im Sinne des Telemediengesetzes ist Sue Arns.

Landshuter Str. 28

10779 Berlin


mobil +49 (0)179-5912775

tel +49 (0)30-21476881

USt-ID DE160466069


Sue Arns ist Mitglied des Verbandes Berliner Stadtführer und des Bundesverbands der Gästeführer Deutschlands


Die Webseitenerstellung und -betreuung erfolgt durch Eckart Aaron Arns, Arns Multimedia

Sämtliche Fotos und Inhalt © 2020 Sue und Aaron Arns


Tour suggestions

You can find detailed tour suggestions here (PDF)

Berlin for Beginners

4 hours tour of selected highlight od this wonderful city - after this experience for sure you want more!


Berlin – a decent overview

6 hour tour of the most important architecture, jewish items, designers, cold war etc.



Explore old and modern architecture from Schinkel, Knobelsdorff, I.M.Pei, Gehry, Foster, Jahn, Piano etc.


Jewish History

The foundation of Jews in Berlin, where and how they lived, what happend from 1933-45 - und today?


Shopping in Berlin

I love to join and advise you on Berlin's new fashion - Berlin is the new fashion-metropolis home to many fascinating young Berlin Designers and labels. 


Cold War in Berlin

Until 1989 we lived in Cold War in Berlin. I went through it! This tour let you explore the Allied Museum, Treptower Park Russian memorial, the Berlin wall and much more.


Each of these tours can be booked in different time schedules. Just tell me how much you want to see and I will make it happen - to be the best possible experience for you!